aiming symbol造句
- The typical pilot is not using the aiming symbol properly … and the sim ai does not award a hit when the symbol is used as in other simulations
大部分典型的玩家并没有恰当的使用瞄准标志来瞄准,而本游戏中的程序也不会像某些其他模拟游戏一样,即使玩家如此不恰当的瞄准还能让你击中目标。 - It's difficult to see aiming symbol in a sentence. 用aiming symbol造句挺难的
如何用aiming symbol造句,用aiming symbol造句,aiming symbol in a sentence, 用aiming symbol造句和aiming symbol的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。